I am a Year 6 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my Teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Special Character Prayers
Special Characters did prayers this morning. The focus was on advent. Since Christmas is coming, the Catholic community is starting to celebrate the delivery of Jesus. This is a very important celebration in the Catholic community because Christmas marks the day Jesus was born. We all can't wait for Christmas as it is the day Jesus was born!
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
R.E Crossword
Today for R.E we did a Christmas crossword. It was quite hard but I got some help. Here is my crossword.
Monday, 10 December 2018
ANZAC Letter
Today for reading we did an ANZAC letter where we type a page of a diary. Here is my diary page. It's about guy called Luke who is fighting in Gallipoli's steep mountains. I hope you like it!
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Science: Sherbet
Today we did science. It was about making sherbet. So we had to mix icing sugar, citric acid, tartartic acid and baking soda. There were different groups which had a different amount of teaspoons for each ingredient. Our group had 4 tp of tartartic acid, 2 tp of citric acid, 5 tp of icing sugar and 2 tp of baking soda. The tartartic acid makes it tart, citric makes it sour, icing sugar makes it sweet and the baking soda for a fizz. Our one was really good because it foamed in our mouth.
Graduation/Last Year Mass
Yesterday at 5:30 Good Shepherd school we had the year six Graduation mass. I'm the year six boy who lit the candles and gave leadership candles to the year fives. We sang our Good Shepherd Songs like "The Lord is My Shepherd" and "Candle In the Light". Then we did a dance performance. The song was "Tyrone Wells- Time of Our Lives". It was really fun doing the dance.
Year 6 Graduation Art
In art for this week we did a little project year 6 graduation art. In this year we did a black paper silhouette under some dye. As you can see I did a lamb and the word "Helpful" was the one word I described this school. I like doing art because it's all colourful and beautiful. I hoped you like my art.
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Passport Activity: Dave Dobbyn Slide Show
For my passport activity I did a slide show about Dave Dobbyn. This slide show was thirty points and I think it was worth it. While doing the slide show I listened to Dave Dobbyn's songs. I really liked "Loyal" and "Slice of Heaven". I really loved doing slideshows and research about Dave Dobbyn.
Passport Activity: A-Z List of NZ Bands and Artists
For my passport activity I did a twenty point activity. It was an A to Z bands and music artists project. It was really cool to see all the bands and music artists from New Zealand. In the process of doing the activity I listened to the bands and artist's music. I really liked 'Don't dream it's all over" from Crowded House and "Rain" from Dragon. It was really cool to learn about those people.
Passport Activity
For the last four weeks we have a passport activity which means that we have to get two hundred points by doing activities. Some activities gave you fifty, forty, thirty, twenty and ten points. It's really fun because this year you had to learn about NZ music from new to old music. This activity is really fun because I like learning about history.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Science: Spud Guns
For science today we did spud guns. It didn't exactly work because the straws kept bending. In my opinion the experiment was really fun because the potato went flying out occasionally. To make the potato shoot you had to push straw through the potato to have a thick rope of potato. After that you had to take the straw out. Then you had to get a narrow blunt stick to push the the potato out. The first time I did it, it didn't work out, but the second time it was flying out, it traveled at least 3 metres. It was really fun!
School Athletics
Yesterday my school and I did athletics. It was really fun, even though I didn't get a place. I always came 4th or 5th in every race. After an hour or 2 we did other athletic sports including shop put, discus and long jump. It was really fun, I came third in discus which was cool. When time was running out we did relays. For relays Cowley came first, Hillary was second and Blake was third. I was a really intense race. My house is Cowley and I was in the relay team it was really fun how everyone participated and had fun.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Science: Bird Beaks
Today we did a science experience on bird beaks that were tweezers.We tried to pick up skittles, gummy worms and paper. So there were basically two types of tweezers. The first type was the flat to beaks. The flat beaks were good with skittles and paper because the flat top could slide under the paper which was easy to pick up. The same the happened with skittles too. The second type was a pointed and sharp tip beak. It was easy to pick up the gummy worms because it could jab into the worm very easily. I really liked this experiment because I am very interested into the life of birds.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
St. Peter's College
Last week the St. Peter's College orchestra came to Good Shepherd school. There were two orchestras, there was the symphonic orchestra and a string orchestra. They played Pink Panther, James Bond and a lot of other songs. In the symphonic band they had all kinds of instruments like trumpets, violins (string), clarinet, oboe, cello (string), piano and a whole lot of other drums. It was really cool because I love classical music.
Friday, 16 November 2018
For art today we did comics, but this time we did comics that people have already drew but they haven't filled in the speech bubbles. So we had to fill up the speech bubble so we had write the story about what the picture looks like.
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
My Poster About Worshiping God
For R.E today room 5 and I did a poster about Respecting, Worship or Be Honest to God. I chose to do worship because I always like to follow someone who inspires me in a good way. I hope you like it.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Persuasive Writing
Today for in Room 5 we did Persuasive writing about why homework should be banned. I liked this one because in my opinion I wouldn't mind if I didn't have homework, but it would be better if we didn't have any. So we did the main points about persuasive writing, which actually persuades the reader. I hope you like it.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Special & Unique Shields
This week for R.E we did shields that is all about unique things that we are. I liked it because we get to share about ourselves in in special. I hope you liked it.
Bike Safety Course
Today we did a bike safety course that was leaded by the company big-foot. I really enjoyed it because I love riding bikes. We got to learn the road rules for bikes in NZ. By the way this is me when we were practicing our turning and signals for left and right.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Calendar Art
So art this week we did calendar art. It's were we draw something that looks forward to 2019. At first we did a colour in sheet about fruit or patterns. I did the citrus fruit sheet because I really liked the pattern and the colour of citrus. I really hope that you enjoyed this.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
My Mountain Adventure
On a beautiful Sunday my family and I went
to the Devon-port Beach. We all just did nothing
but just chill, skip rocks and building sand
-castles. Eventually we went up the Mountain
near the Beach with some Fish’n’Chips. (Yum!)
After walking up the long and huge mountain it
was so steep! As soon as my family was finished,
I lay down because I was pretty tired… My
Mum and Dad opened up the Fish’n’Chips
wrapping and we ate until all of the food was finished.
As soon as we finished my Sisters (Melanie)
friend (Conor) and I went to the war supplying
rooms for the launchers and stuff… It was empty,
scary but it was awesome!!! When I saw my Brother
(Daniel) he was photobombing my Mum and Dad’s
pictures,it was really funny!
As time went we saw the sun-set,it was majestic!
Eventually the clouds covered the sun-set and I
said,”Aw man the sun-set is gone”, But then
Conor saw a cruise ship that we completely
missed! It was right in our faces. The best part
was when my Brother Daniel was photobombing
pictures and when we saw the sun-set. It was the
best Sunday ever!
I loved that day!
Monday, 24 September 2018
My Weird Monster
My monster has a rows of teeth with circles and 3 paper thin eyes that can only see straight. It has a square head with ears the size of a ant. The tummy is medium size BUT his I mean it is very skinny. It has a mouth like a spider but no fangs, it’s human teeth. It is wearing shorts. He medium sized hair with a long a long nose that is very unpleasant to touch.
He is very nice and has a feeling as bright as a sun. It doesn’t like to be touched because he doesn’t want people to describe the soft a nice feeling on hair and dusty feeling on its face. It loves summer because he’s a cold-blooded so it makes sense. It doesn’t like books at all. He has a phobia of it, don’t show him it or he’ll faint badly, very badly…
I’ll tell you the weakness’ and powers. Weakness: Books,he hates books because of words.
Powers: It can understand any language (except for words) and breathing in Water.
He is very nice and has a feeling as bright as a sun. It doesn’t like to be touched because he doesn’t want people to describe the soft a nice feeling on hair and dusty feeling on its face. It loves summer because he’s a cold-blooded so it makes sense. It doesn’t like books at all. He has a phobia of it, don’t show him it or he’ll faint badly, very badly…
I’ll tell you the weakness’ and powers. Weakness: Books,he hates books because of words.
Powers: It can understand any language (except for words) and breathing in Water.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Social Justice Feather Activity

I really loved R.E today. We did feathers that had words which meant how to be cool and nice socially in the public. I really liked colouring in the feather and doing the words in vivid. You can see my feather in the bottom right. Move left one and that's mine. I did promise because you can make heaps of trust with someone if you promise a quest or secret. I hope you like it.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Alleluia Poster
Last Friday 14th of September my friend and I (Peter Arcilla) did a poster about how to worship god. This poster says that you can worship god by singing beautifully. We did singing and music because we both love music and God.
Maori and English Words
R.E yesterday was so fun! We did Maori and English words that mean good things like Justice is Tika and Spirit is Tapu. I love Maori and R.E together because we get to know more about God and Maori words at the same time. I hope you like it!
Mandarin Characters
For cultural language week we did Mandarin for Monday. We did Chinese characters and accents for words. I really like mandarin because I love Asia language and country in general, and the food is beautiful!
Monday, 17 September 2018
Fact or Opinion Sheet Copy
For Topic we did a Fact or Opinion sheet that our teacher gave us. We could do it in our sheet or book. I did it in my book because it was a bit more easier and tidier. I hope you like it!
'Where In the World' Sheet
Fractions Booklet

For math this term and term 4 our class is doing a Fractions booklet. We are mostly learning about mixed fractions. I like this booklet because I like improving with fractions and I think it is fun in my opinion.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Math Vocabulary Poster
For mathematics this week Stanley (my friend) and I did a math vocabulary poster about multiplication. We went to Room 8 to share about the words because they said they needed some help. Stanley and I did multiplication because we are good at multiplication and we think it's quite fun
Prodigy Math Game
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Halloween Slide
Today for celebration activities, I did a slide about Halloween because I like the idea of how you go trick or treating. Halloween is the evening before the Christian holy days of All Hallows' Day (also known as All Saints' or Hallow-mas) on 1 November and All Souls' Day on 2 November, thus giving the holiday on 31 October the full name of All Hallows' Eve (meaning the evening before All Hallows' Day).
Monday, 10 September 2018
Tuatara Slide
For writing this week Room 5 did a slide about reptiles. I did a tuatara because I thought it was very interesting that they are still dinosaurs and they cute too. I hope you enjoy it!
Monday, 3 September 2018
Abraham & Sarah Slide
This week for R.E half of the class did a play and half of it did a slide. The people who made the slide including me did a slide about, I hope you like it!
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Asian Small Clawed Otter
Asian small clawed otters is a species of carnivorous
Aonyx on our Earth.
They have small claws that do not extend to the fleshy part of their partially
webbed fingers and toes. This gives them Manuel
(the ability to use your hands in a skillful, coordinated
way to grasp and
manipulate objects and demonstrate small, precise movements.)
so that it
can use its paws to feed on mollusks, crabs and other small fish.
Aonyx on our Earth.
They have small claws that do not extend to the fleshy part of their partially
webbed fingers and toes. This gives them Manuel
(the ability to use your hands in a skillful, coordinated
way to grasp and
manipulate objects and demonstrate small, precise movements.)
so that it
can use its paws to feed on mollusks, crabs and other small fish.
The Asian small clawed otter is native to South east
Asia, some
of southern India. Including some islands like Sumatra,
Java,Palawan and
Borneo. It lives in freshwater wetlands environment such
as swamps,
meandering rivers, mangroves and big tidal pools, as well
as irrigated
rice fields. It prefers pond areas and bare banks.
Ecology and Behaviour
Asian small-clawed otters are diurnal animals
(active during the day),
found in remote areas, away from human disturbance.
However, some have
adapted to life near villages. They continually groom
their fur to maintain
its insulating qualities. Asian small-clawed otters are
excellent swimmers.
They swim by moving their hind legs and tail. They
with all four feet while swimming or floating. When
swimming at a
high speed, they undulate their entire bodies, including
their tails,
up and down while their hind feet steer. They can dive
for about six to eight minutes. They are often seen
playing (which can be seen at zoos) and sliding on muddy
banks and
in the water in regions where they often visit or live.
(active during the day),
found in remote areas, away from human disturbance.
However, some have
adapted to life near villages. They continually groom
their fur to maintain
its insulating qualities. Asian small-clawed otters are
excellent swimmers.
They swim by moving their hind legs and tail. They
with all four feet while swimming or floating. When
swimming at a
high speed, they undulate their entire bodies, including
their tails,
up and down while their hind feet steer. They can dive
for about six to eight minutes. They are often seen
playing (which can be seen at zoos) and sliding on muddy
banks and
in the water in regions where they often visit or live.
Conservation Status
Asian small clawed otters are listed vulnerable on
the IUCN
(International Union for Conservation of Nature), due
to ponds being
replaced by farms, pollution and hunting in some areas.
Asian small clawed otters are the smallest types
of otters in the world.
They’re overall size can range from 70 to 100 cm,
the tail is around
30-35 cm. They weigh around 1 to 5.4 kg. They have
short hair
relatively ranging 2.5 cm, it is soft, dense and velvety.
There nose are
dusky or pinkish colour.
of otters in the world.
They’re overall size can range from 70 to 100 cm,
the tail is around
30-35 cm. They weigh around 1 to 5.4 kg. They have
short hair
relatively ranging 2.5 cm, it is soft, dense and velvety.
There nose are
dusky or pinkish colour.
An Oriental or simply small clawed otter’s diet mainly
on invertebrates, crustaceans and molluscs, but they
sometimes feed
on vertebrates and specific amphibians. They feed
on small fish like
catfish and gouramis. The particular amphibians such
as mudskippers
and small non poisonous toads. Crustaceans they crunch
on are crabs,
lobsters as well as freshwater shrimp. Salty seafood that
they swallow
are clams, mussels, oysters and fresh water snail.
So overall Asian small clawed otters are a cute and
interesting type of Aonyx species. They are simple but
complex at the same time. Asian small clawed otters are
the best
and cutest type of otters in my opinion.
interesting type of Aonyx species. They are simple but
complex at the same time. Asian small clawed otters are
the best
and cutest type of otters in my opinion.
Friday, 24 August 2018
My Feelings About Cross Country
My feelings about cross country is good and bad. First of
all the good thing is that I can chill out after and having
good exercise and everyone cheering for me. The bad thing that sometimes I have stitches which are really annoying to
me because I’m way more use to swimming which is basically
the opposite of running. Also being really puffy,
sweaty,cramps,falling down and turning the wrong way.
all the good thing is that I can chill out after and having
good exercise and everyone cheering for me. The bad thing that sometimes I have stitches which are really annoying to
me because I’m way more use to swimming which is basically
the opposite of running. Also being really puffy,
sweaty,cramps,falling down and turning the wrong way.
Well I like cross country for some things but some of the
things are just really really REALLY annoying. So that was
all my emotions about cross country. And I forgot to say that
I like it when I came 4th, which is satisfying. Kind of...
things are just really really REALLY annoying. So that was
all my emotions about cross country. And I forgot to say that
I like it when I came 4th, which is satisfying. Kind of...
My Speech
How to Become a EVIL Super Villain!
Okay, now this is a topic that no one really needs to
know, I think… But for the sake of comedy and
entertainment I’m going to go for the stars, I mean, the
moon because the stars are a little too far, well you know
what I mean. But this! Is How To Become A Super Villain!
(Aren’t you guys suppose to Wooo or yay? Alright never mind…)
know, I think… But for the sake of comedy and
entertainment I’m going to go for the stars, I mean, the
moon because the stars are a little too far, well you know
what I mean. But this! Is How To Become A Super Villain!
(Aren’t you guys suppose to Wooo or yay? Alright never mind…)
In order to become a supervillain you have to have a secret
layer. From a cardboard box to your basement, you name
it! Although you’re parent- I mean your minions won’t let
you, you’ll have to break the rules.
(For shadowing please don’t do this at home)
layer. From a cardboard box to your basement, you name
it! Although you’re parent- I mean your minions won’t let
you, you’ll have to break the rules.
(For shadowing please don’t do this at home)
For breaking rules in front of your servants must
not listen to them unless they’re asking you for apple juice
OF COURSE you say yes, but without the please. Not
listening to them makes them feel mad and want vengeance.
While you in the sitting in the naughty corner saying in your
mind, “I am learning to become a Megamind!”
(Don’t relate to the movie I don't want to get copyrighted again.)
not listen to them unless they’re asking you for apple juice
OF COURSE you say yes, but without the please. Not
listening to them makes them feel mad and want vengeance.
While you in the sitting in the naughty corner saying in your
mind, “I am learning to become a Megamind!”
(Don’t relate to the movie I don't want to get copyrighted again.)
Now we’re getting into the real naughty stuff.
To become a warrior you will have to fight back like
a kid- I mean MAN! Or wo-man… Well whatever you
get what what I mean. You can fight back from sliding off
your sibli- I mean servants pet mouse called apple off the
table, that will get them furious! But the thing you have
to fight for the most is apple juice and the front seat,
those are gold to your Megamind!
a kid- I mean MAN! Or wo-man… Well whatever you
get what what I mean. You can fight back from sliding off
your sibli- I mean servants pet mouse called apple off the
table, that will get them furious! But the thing you have
to fight for the most is apple juice and the front seat,
those are gold to your Megamind!
If you know a relative that’s a hero you should join their
side, but then when he really needs help, you shall betray
them. This is called being a traitor. It’s like when your
brother asks for the remote but you hide the remote
somewhere so he can’t find it. It’s quite satisfying.
side, but then when he really needs help, you shall betray
them. This is called being a traitor. It’s like when your
brother asks for the remote but you hide the remote
somewhere so he can’t find it. It’s quite satisfying.
Some people don’t get the honour of having a cool outfit,
but with flex tap- Oh gosh... (take 2) You can dress up
as a evil witch! You can easily buy the outfit from the
$2 dollar shop, I always think those shops have the best
quality outfit.
but with flex tap- Oh gosh... (take 2) You can dress up
as a evil witch! You can easily buy the outfit from the
$2 dollar shop, I always think those shops have the best
quality outfit.
You can build a cardboard robot suit with the help of
your minions. Or, you can copy, well borrow a super villains
style, like darth vader, with the black everything and being
a very well known villain in the world. But just keep in mind,
no capes.
your minions. Or, you can copy, well borrow a super villains
style, like darth vader, with the black everything and being
a very well known villain in the world. But just keep in mind,
no capes.
Having a weapon makes you superior in the world.
You can choose ruler, eggs, tomatoes, or even just your hands!
If you feel like it, you should (not) give ‘em a real man’s fight!
You can choose ruler, eggs, tomatoes, or even just your hands!
If you feel like it, you should (not) give ‘em a real man’s fight!
So after all being a villian is quite the hard experience,
(including writing this speech,But eventually you’ll get there!
Like everything in this world.
(including writing this speech,But eventually you’ll get there!
Like everything in this world.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my speech, and just reminding you,
this is a joke. Please don’t do this a home.
this is a joke. Please don’t do this a home.
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Mary Mackillop Art
Today we did a dot art around a beautiful picture of Mary Mackillop for Mary Mackillop's feast day, it was really fun! I hope you like it.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
How I Felt Writing My Speech
Writing my speech was fun but not the best. Speeches are not my favourite but it's alright. My speech was about How to become Evil Super Villain. But I felt very confident about my speech going into the semi finals because it had perfect time and a lot of expression, but at least I still participated! So after all writing a speech is hard but fun, that's my opinions about it.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
My Tiger Shark Slide Show
For reading this week we did a slide show about animals from our book, Kelly Tarltons. My animal was the tiger shark. Sharks are one of my favourite animals. I hope you like the slide show!
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
The Science Road Show
Last week on Thursday the year 5 and 6 students of Good Shepherd School went to Edendale Primary School to experience the Science Roadshow! We learnt so much about ice and fire, the human body and other things that are related to science. We enjoyed watching the hosts do fascinating experiments like dropping an 8 ball into the metal stick with a hoop attached to it, before they dipped it into the liquid nitrogen the ball could thread through the hoop,
but after they dipped the stick into the liquid nitrogen the ball couldn’t fit!
We had a lot of fun, and recommend that everyone goes to the Science Roadshow if they get a chance.
We had a lot of fun, and recommend that everyone goes to the Science Roadshow if they get a chance.
The Royal Jelly Show
On Tuesday 29 of May the whole of Good Shepherd gathered in the hall to watch a show called “The Royal Jelly”. It gave us a lot of facts about bees and was really funny. Also three students were lucky enough to participate in the show answering questions from the “mayor”. Over all the show was fun and interesting and we all learned a lot.
My Doughnut Graph
For math we did graphs, and I made a graph about the ten most populated country. I did a lot of work in this slide and graph. Personally I think it's pretty cool.
Monday, 2 July 2018
My Cool R.E Sheet
For today we did a little R.E. sheet about the sacraments and what Jesus did for us. I hope you like it!
Friday, 29 June 2018
My Art
For art this week we did a sketch programmer then coloured it in with mixed colours. We did this so we could improve our colouring and mixing skills. It was really fun! I did a silly picture. I'm in the right corner of the page.
My Ode To My Kittens!
To My Kittens!
Oh my beautiful kittens! You are the cutest and softest out of all kittens.
You are as soft as a velvet sheet.
Everytime you purr you are a angel of happiness.
My heart smiles everytime you I hear you meow.
Oh kittens, how a adore you!
My Gallipoli Letter
Kia ora Family
I’m in the trenches behind grenade
explosions and gunfire.
We are going to retreat. It’s boiling hot
here at Cape Helles, it all my friends
has been injured except for one, he’s sitting
next to me now.
explosions and gunfire.
We are going to retreat. It’s boiling hot
here at Cape Helles, it all my friends
has been injured except for one, he’s sitting
next to me now.
I hope that you are fine. I’m one of the
last New Zealanders here. We can’t go
any higher because the mountains are
too steep so we’re going to retreat. If
we had more strong soldiers we
would’ve pushed into Achi Baba, but
it’s too late, we’re already retreating.
I hope you and I will be in one piece.
See you.
Signed Joey
last New Zealanders here. We can’t go
any higher because the mountains are
too steep so we’re going to retreat. If
we had more strong soldiers we
would’ve pushed into Achi Baba, but
it’s too late, we’re already retreating.
I hope you and I will be in one piece.
See you.
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